I'm sure you are excited to meet your little babe. I remember that feeling. As we are so close to the session, I wanted to get you some tips to prepare. Don't worry, I'll send these out again right before the session.
Styling the session: I have everything I need for baby. For you, I suggest wearing something like a flowing dress. If you don't have any please don't worry and go out and buy one. Just make sure whatever you wear you feel comfortable in. I do have a small client closet for moms, please let me know ahead of time if you plan to wear anything of mine so I can bring them along. Neutral colors are best, color is great just nothing bright. Avoid logos on shirts as well and don't forget shoes. We can always go barefoot at the studio as well.
Please read carefully:
For in-home lifestyle sessions: Start thinking of where in your house you want to do photos. Are you looking at the nursery, your living room, a bath in the kitchen sink? Keep in mind we'll want the areas to be somewhat clean, no need to hire a cleaner for it just have it picked up and tidy. Pay attention to the light in your house and let me know when the best light comes through. These will most likely have a moody vibe depending on the colors in your house. We will reschedule if it is gloomy and or too cloudy. If you need lights on, it's too dark. Since the session is in your home, I will not be bringing props and doing a posed session. I can bring a moses style basket and use that for some lifestyle photos of the baby alone if you'd like, just let me know.
I usually do the lifestyle session in the morning, however when the light is brightest in your house is a good time to do it.
Keep in mind these are all tips I find help make a newborn session go smoothly. This is your baby and you know what is best, please do not stress if things don't go perfectly, just try your best to follow along. Please let me know if you have any questions at all. I'm here to help!